Tuesday, July 31, 2007
SILK admits he has convicted Vick, but he also wants to have an open mind.
OK. I admit it. I have already convicted Vick of the crime he is accused of. Why? I never liked him in the first place so i want to see him in jail. So, i am guilty of what the NAACP and Al Sharpton has asked us not to do. So, i am going to wait until Vick has his day in court until I pass anymore judgement on him. However, let's say this was a white quarterback in the NFL that was accused of the same thing as Vick. Can anyone name a group, NAACP, or minister, Sharpton and two on Fox tonight, that would come out and support him? I say you would not be able to name a group or minister. Why? Please let me know what you think and if i am wrong.
Monday, July 30, 2007
SILK hates math but he loves Winnie Cooper!!!!!!

Bye-bye, Mikey!

Well, Ron Mexico, apparently you know a little more about the shenanigans at your Virginia "estate" than you originally stated, hmmm?. Sure, your generosity was abused by your friends and family. Those bastards! Taking over your property to whip up a little illegal cottage industry while you were away playing Santa Claus for orphans & cleaning kennels at the Atlanta Humane Society...how dare they conduct such an operation as BRUTAL and INHUMANE as dogfighting under your philanthropic & saintly nose? Bullshit! Tony Taylor outed you with his plea today, you lying moron! Do you really think the public is that stupid, Mikey??? I hope the courts take you down along with every pathetic thug and paid-off official that has ever been associated with Bad Newz Kennels.
BTW...I heard that only Converse will sponsor you now. They will soon (I think November 26 is the release date?) present the new line of "Con-VICKS"...in an appropriate shade of prison jumpsuit orange. BA-DUM-BUM-BUM...Cheesy, I know...
(No offense or disrespect meant to Converse, of course...)
Atlanta Falcons,
Michael Vick,
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Yet another Pit Post...

I know anyone who reads this blog is going to get tired of my Pit Bull posts, but too bad! Heh heh, I am nuts about the breed and I am a huge advocate for Pits. This breed will also be featured in the news rather prominently for months to come thanks to the Vick dogfighting scandal.
Pit Bulls flood shelters all over the country and are banned by some cities altogether. This is such a terrible, shameful attitude toward one of the most wonderful dog breeds in the world. Because of their focus and determination, they make excellent rescue dogs. Pits are also a favorite breed used by law enforcement officials as drug detection and bomb-sniffing dogs. Irresponsible owners, not the dogs themselves, have tarnished perception of this noble breed.
Please do not judge Pit Bulls by their reputation! The below vid is a dedication to the pit bulls that were killed on Michael Vick's property. It is very though-provoking...check it out!
Another Victory!!!

Nike has suspended its contract with Vick, Reebok has pulled the ol' #7 jersey from stores, and we won't see any more Vick trading cards from Donruss (whose owner brings her 5 Labs to work every day). Thanks to the enormous campaign that the Humane Society of the United States has launched, Michael Vick is no longer the spoiled & untouchable athlete he once was. Just like SILK said in his post, I don't believe for one second that Vick is not guilty. Your name doesn't get mentioned 50 times in a 19 page federal indicment unless the feds have a strong case. Now Vick has been named as a "person of interest" in an Arizona dogfighting investigation. I'll bet that when all the information surrounding this case becomes public, Vick will be tied to dogfighting rings in several states & possibly other countries (Mexico is a hotbed for dogfighting. Mexico...Ron Mexico...how fitting!)
Thank you, NIKE, REEBOK & DONRUSS for recognizing the severity of this situation!
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Not guilty!!!!!!!!!!!!! Silk says no way but we must wait and see.

Vick says he is not guilty. i say don't insult my intelligence. However, we mus let him have his time in court and justice must be served. Is he a liar? We shall see.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Obama pulls the race card. How sad!

HE said he could not even get a cab in New York because he was a black man. This makes no sense and he was called out for it. The link is a long read and i just wanted to point out this quote that people cheered for during the debate. Obama, please don't pander to the left just because you are a black man running for president. You will not get my vote, but you have the chance to get a lot of peoples votes that would not normally vote fora liberal Democrat. So, stick to the issues and leave the race out of it. If you want to help black people, who can help themselves all they want, be a good candidate and stay away from Sharpton like issues. You are way too smart and talented for that.
Silk's favorite sport is full of cheats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Man o man!!!!!! You would think little bitty guys with no skin on there bones in spandex would not need to cheat. However, even the Tour De France has a huge drug problem again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The yellow jersey , the leader, was thrown out of the race and fired by his team. He is the second big name to get caught and thrown out this year. Well maybe the fine sport of curling is clean!!!
Winston Update...

I'll make this brief....Some of you may already be aware of this, but we almost lost Winston Tuesday morning. He went into severe hypoglycemic shock and we barely got him to our vet in time. I thought Win was ready to leave us, but Super D is a Firefighter/EMT who believes in exhausting all options to save a life. I'm glad he made this decision...
Winston is staying with our vet until he is able to come home, but he is stable and has a chance at recovering fully. Of course, he will still require insulin daily, but it's possible that he will live a normal life. I will continue to post about his recovery.
Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers! Winnie thanks you, too! (And so does Winnie's dog, Achilles. Achilles misses his little master!)
Winston is staying with our vet until he is able to come home, but he is stable and has a chance at recovering fully. Of course, he will still require insulin daily, but it's possible that he will live a normal life. I will continue to post about his recovery.
Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers! Winnie thanks you, too! (And so does Winnie's dog, Achilles. Achilles misses his little master!)
P.S. The above photo is a bit blurry...but it's the most recent pic of Win before he was diagnosed with diabetes.
What a bunch of Bastards!!!!!!!!!
The Taliban killed an innocent South Korean Christan pastor today! This is why we need to round em up and finish em off. THUGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
hey, let's all turn one up for Winston and the rest of the animals that God created for us to enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fighting Dogs???

I had to post this picture of Akira and Achilles because I have spoken so much about them since the Michael Vick situation has unfolded. This photo was taken in our basement during a late fall storm. The little couple huddled together for security and affection as I snapped this pic. (Achilles is wearing an invisible fence training collar, by the way, a device he no longer needs because he has learned the boundaries of our yard.)
These "poopies" are the prime example of how wonderful the American Pit Bull Terrier Breed is.... The most amazing quality this duo possesses is their constant wish to please Super D & me as well as their desire for constant affection. Needless to say, I could easily pet the hair off Akira & Achilles!
I will also post a photo of Winston soon...when the time is right. I cannot bring myself to look at his photos right now...
Yours truly,
No Pre-Season for Vick!

The Atlanta Falcons' big guns held a press conference today. I hope with all my heart that Arthur Blank continues to do the right thing in this unfolding situation. I am following this case to the detail, and I welcome comments/opinions/debate. More to come...
BTW, the above Pit Bull was rescued from Vick's Virginia property. This dog is one of the lucky survivors. I have seen photos of the surviving dogs in their worst shape, and they are shocking and disgusting. God bless all the animal victims related to this case and may justice be served swiftly and properly.
***This post is in honor of Winston Churchill Chandler and ALL victims of animal cruelty & neglect.
animal cruelty,
Atlanta Falcons,
Michael Vick,
pit bulls
Monday, July 23, 2007
Tiny Warrior
He's the lion in...July. The little being that taught me about survival & forgiveness. His name is Winston Churchill Chandler and he's my 8 1/2 year old very sick kitty. Typically, my rule is not to post anything too personal here, but this is an outlet for me to honor my little feline friend and share my feelings with my fellow animal lovers here.
Win was rescued from being wedged into a small drainpipe when he was still a tiny blue-eyed infant. He could barely hold his head up without trembling, but he certainly tore into the forearms of the animal control officer that pulled him to freedom. Winston's tail was broken in three places during the removal, and now it resembles a stubby, furry "Z". I took him home from the Humane Society to "foster" him, and Super D resisted this screaming little tabby & white fuzzball at first. So did our solid black cat Musashi, who at six months old was the prince of the household. I think Mushi would have actually killed Winston, he hated him so! And Super D was completely annoyed at the way Winston could climb from ankle to shoulder in 15 seconds. I was worried about the fate of this fosterling... But within only a few days, Win worked his magic. Not only did I find Musashi playing feather-ball massacre and sleeping with the new baby (when he didn't think I was looking), but one day I came home to discover Super D asleep on the sofa. With Winston curled up on his chest. That cinched the deal. Winston had a home.
Winston Churchill was the perfect name for this little warrior. Within days he convinced Musashi that HE was the alpha. Musashi gently relinquished his position to his new brother. My older cats, Ivan and Vinnie, remained aloof dignitaries, yet they respected his fire. This unique kitten gradually grew into a very intelligent and complex adult cat. When the pit bulls came along, I witnessed something amazing. Winston and Akira grew a respectful acknowledgement for one another, and often fought for rights to claim the feathery cat toys together. But Winston and Achilles...that's a different story. You see, Winston OWNS this powerful, block-headed 90 pound pit bull. Achilles is Winston's dog. Achilles will allow Win to rub against his legs at the risk of being popped in the snout at the slightest misstep. I have actually seen Achilles try to sneak past Winston so as not to provoke him.
The most amazing quality this cat possesses is forgiveness. No cat likes to be confined, poked or prodded for any reason (I guess that goes for us all!), and most cats will disappear quickly to pout after any uncomfortable incident. Not Win! After every rabies and annual vaccinations have been injected into him, he purrs. The times we have tried to cut his toenails (or should I say time - singular - for Super D and I were close to being bled out at the carotid by Winston's furious talons), Winnie hated us until we released him. But did he run? No! He rubbed against us, his little motor idling at high speed. Win has NEVER held a grudge. He still loves us, no matter what we have to do to him. Even now...
Win is in a fight for his life over the ravages of diabetes. This disease attacked his stout little body rapidly - the first signs of onset only 2 months ago. Winston's weight decreased from his healthy 13 pounds to a pitiful 8 pounds. He became disoriented, dehydrated and lethargic. And depressed. This was not my Winston. His treatment began immediately after the diagnosis. After administering daily shots of insulin, he is still a trooper, never showing signs of anger toward us. And yet, the treatment was failing him. I was brought to my knees when I found his near lifeless body curled into a little ball in our spare bedroom Sunday morning. Musashi's cries preceding my discovery didn't seem quite right. It was as if he was trying to say, "My brother's not well! He needs help!"
Winston had experienced severe diabetic shock, and his mouth and paws were covered with the blood he had vomited all over the floor and bedskirt. Not to worry, Win. I forgive you. His eyes were not right - not Winston's usual smug gaze. They were desperate and full of pain. Super D and I scooped Win up and rushed him to our wonderful vet, who has cared for him until today. Win was so close to leaving this world for the Rainbow Bridge...
He's home now, exhausted and battered from the many vein punctures where his blood has been drawn and I.V.'s inserted. His usually beautiful coat is greasy and dull from lack of grooming, so I have brushed him to help him maintain his dignity. It hurts my heart to see such a wonderful, scrappy little survivor fight the battle for his life. I don't know what to expect in the next few days, but my Winston is a courageous little lion, much like his namesake.
Win was rescued from being wedged into a small drainpipe when he was still a tiny blue-eyed infant. He could barely hold his head up without trembling, but he certainly tore into the forearms of the animal control officer that pulled him to freedom. Winston's tail was broken in three places during the removal, and now it resembles a stubby, furry "Z". I took him home from the Humane Society to "foster" him, and Super D resisted this screaming little tabby & white fuzzball at first. So did our solid black cat Musashi, who at six months old was the prince of the household. I think Mushi would have actually killed Winston, he hated him so! And Super D was completely annoyed at the way Winston could climb from ankle to shoulder in 15 seconds. I was worried about the fate of this fosterling... But within only a few days, Win worked his magic. Not only did I find Musashi playing feather-ball massacre and sleeping with the new baby (when he didn't think I was looking), but one day I came home to discover Super D asleep on the sofa. With Winston curled up on his chest. That cinched the deal. Winston had a home.
Winston Churchill was the perfect name for this little warrior. Within days he convinced Musashi that HE was the alpha. Musashi gently relinquished his position to his new brother. My older cats, Ivan and Vinnie, remained aloof dignitaries, yet they respected his fire. This unique kitten gradually grew into a very intelligent and complex adult cat. When the pit bulls came along, I witnessed something amazing. Winston and Akira grew a respectful acknowledgement for one another, and often fought for rights to claim the feathery cat toys together. But Winston and Achilles...that's a different story. You see, Winston OWNS this powerful, block-headed 90 pound pit bull. Achilles is Winston's dog. Achilles will allow Win to rub against his legs at the risk of being popped in the snout at the slightest misstep. I have actually seen Achilles try to sneak past Winston so as not to provoke him.
The most amazing quality this cat possesses is forgiveness. No cat likes to be confined, poked or prodded for any reason (I guess that goes for us all!), and most cats will disappear quickly to pout after any uncomfortable incident. Not Win! After every rabies and annual vaccinations have been injected into him, he purrs. The times we have tried to cut his toenails (or should I say time - singular - for Super D and I were close to being bled out at the carotid by Winston's furious talons), Winnie hated us until we released him. But did he run? No! He rubbed against us, his little motor idling at high speed. Win has NEVER held a grudge. He still loves us, no matter what we have to do to him. Even now...
Win is in a fight for his life over the ravages of diabetes. This disease attacked his stout little body rapidly - the first signs of onset only 2 months ago. Winston's weight decreased from his healthy 13 pounds to a pitiful 8 pounds. He became disoriented, dehydrated and lethargic. And depressed. This was not my Winston. His treatment began immediately after the diagnosis. After administering daily shots of insulin, he is still a trooper, never showing signs of anger toward us. And yet, the treatment was failing him. I was brought to my knees when I found his near lifeless body curled into a little ball in our spare bedroom Sunday morning. Musashi's cries preceding my discovery didn't seem quite right. It was as if he was trying to say, "My brother's not well! He needs help!"
Winston had experienced severe diabetic shock, and his mouth and paws were covered with the blood he had vomited all over the floor and bedskirt. Not to worry, Win. I forgive you. His eyes were not right - not Winston's usual smug gaze. They were desperate and full of pain. Super D and I scooped Win up and rushed him to our wonderful vet, who has cared for him until today. Win was so close to leaving this world for the Rainbow Bridge...
He's home now, exhausted and battered from the many vein punctures where his blood has been drawn and I.V.'s inserted. His usually beautiful coat is greasy and dull from lack of grooming, so I have brushed him to help him maintain his dignity. It hurts my heart to see such a wonderful, scrappy little survivor fight the battle for his life. I don't know what to expect in the next few days, but my Winston is a courageous little lion, much like his namesake.
feline diabetes,
pit bulls,
winston churchill
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Hot off the computer?

Hope you all like this one. I know it’s a bit too upbeat for some, but hey, I’m just on one of those natural highs today! More later, I have to get the voices in my head to start taking turns talking. I’m about to call a “Time out” if they don’t stop making ME make up stories. I’m just publishing the tame ones….What!...Who said that!?? Oh yes... all spelling errors are via this one little voice that tells me what keys to hit....it lies and wont tell me where the spell check is either! There it goes again!!
Look who's here, folks!
Because he's Riddick, bitches
Currently engaging in: IM-ing with dragoncreeper & sketching
Currently watching: Pitch Black
More of my random, multitasking babble, but my A.D.D. has flared out of control. Funny, but when I'm down or if I'm having one of my bi-polar moments, Pitch Black always lightens my mood. I also named a wild gray rat in my backyard Riddick. I really am disturbed.
Please check out dragoncreeper's new blog The Young & The Stressless. DC is my devious little NIN-sister from California. Please be prepared for things to get even more bizarre...Stay tuned!
Currently watching: Pitch Black
More of my random, multitasking babble, but my A.D.D. has flared out of control. Funny, but when I'm down or if I'm having one of my bi-polar moments, Pitch Black always lightens my mood. I also named a wild gray rat in my backyard Riddick. I really am disturbed.
Please check out dragoncreeper's new blog The Young & The Stressless. DC is my devious little NIN-sister from California. Please be prepared for things to get even more bizarre...Stay tuned!
P.S. This is how SILK shaves his head every day...
A.D.D. bi-polar,
pitch black,
Fishing is cool...

Fishing! That’s cool… Though not for the ADHD such as my self. Last time I went deep-sea fishing I attempted a Coup de ta with some limited success when our charter fishing boat came dangerously close to a party barge full swingers from the Hedonism II resort. After a brief battle with the captain in the wheelhouse I was escorted off the ship… yes at sea! I had merely recommended a slight course change in my own subtle way. Ok...Ok…I concede by that point I WAS half naked, I just thought it helped to sell the whole change of course idea! So I made my way toward the floating Shangri-La all while trying to keep my best “How you doo’in” look on my face. So not to make the others on the swinging barge uncomfortable (Always wanting to fit in) I would swim a bit and then unburden my self with another piece of clothing then continue back on my aqueous trek toward those whom I was certain so desperately wanted me to join in their fun. Well once I was close enough to receive a life ring from my rocking ship of love covered Sea Monkeys; I was curtly hauled from the cool Atlantic waters. Once aboard, I was a bit dismayed by what appeared to be over a hundred sour faces all staring at me as if I had totally read them ALL wrong when our ships literally and figuratively did pass!
All I could do was look down at my self and say “ WOW! Was that water cold or what?
PSA...sort of

I wasn't kidding when I commented that you will find anything here. Thank God for all my unique, diverse and sometimes smelly friends. (You know who you are - don't deny it!) I just want to take this opportunity to give a few friends some attention. First of all, please visit Filmmaker's blog at 24FPS. He is an extraordinarily gifted photographer & filmmaker. His work is dark and surreal, kind of like your humble narrator. You can find his body of work here.
Cricket is another one of my super-talented friends (she can belt out a torch-song like no one can!) who is embarking on a creative journey soon. I won't reveal too much too soon until she is ready, but she is headed for success and I wish her the best of luck! She has a brand new edgy and informative blog, TwoCabGab. Please check it out and chat with her.
The last site is a bit different for me because it involves something I do not participate in - fishing. Strange for me to advertise it here, huh? Not really, especially after my friend who created this site with his wife has put so much effort and time into it. This fisherman wanted me to put the word out to all the "rednecks" out there who like to fish in this area. However, after learning more about tournament fishing, it is quite a compelling sport and almost all tourneys are held to benefit local charities. If you want to see a very professional site and would like to meet some other fishermen (or women...should it be fisherpeople???), please go here.
I will add more sites later...
Saturday, July 21, 2007

Ok, here it is. TaDah! This was an image I produce (with some help of course) in the studio back in the mid 80's...I sent one out to everyone on my Christmas list..Well, it went over like a led zeppelin. (Pun intended). I must of had some pretty square friends back then. So the following holiday season I received about half as many cards as I had the previous year... All in all I think it worked out just fine. Its good to act up once in a while...its the true test of who your REAL friends are. I just draw the line at any stunt thats going to land me on the eleven o'clock news holding a board with numbers on it under my chin. More in the AM, I think I rolled the wheelchair over my Xanax drip.... What a rush!!

He's big, black and beautiful. He's young and arrogant. And he's mine.... He's Hermes, the fledgling crow that keeps visiting my backyard birdbath with his parents, Anastassia & Nicodaemus. I diligently tried to wait with great patience today to capture this handsome little feathered devil on my digital camera, but every minute movement scared him away. Damn!!! He's quite the character...he likes to hop around on the birdbath, tilting his head from side to side as he drinks and observes all the activity that takes place around him... Apparently, the neurotic squirrels don't bother him a bit, but any slight movement of an anxious artist sends him into the highest branches...I'll capture him on film soon! And when I do, you will all see this beautiful little corvid....
Welcome Filmmaker and some blogs from SILK
Welcome to the Filmmaker! I am sure we will enjoy all of your art work and your ramblings. The Evangelical Outpost listed it's top 100 blogs and i thought you might want to check some of them out.
Hello to all!

Hello to all, and thank you for having me! Being invited to contribute here is quite an honor! In my daily dealings I rarely get anyone to listen to what most call idle ramblings, so I hope to enjoy this outlet. I do realize this invitation does not empower me an audience nor constitutes a mandate for the readers here to be forced to endure my babblings and stare at my artwork, but I do hope all will enjoy some fraction of my presence here. Take me with a grain of salt, I know I do.
I will try to be as interactive as possible. With my daily injections of Lithium and countless IV lines streaming from my arms I will honestly do my best. Not to mention the Iron Lung that keeps me somewhat immobile. But not to worry about my condition, all this is elective and not a court order as rumored… Who knew you couldn’t donate both kidneys!
I’ll try to be a good boy here and I’ll keep my real dark side limited to my blog. Truth be known I have a horrid split personality where one project will take me way up into the reaches of sarcasm bordering on bathroom humor, then while that laughter turns to more of a high pitched shrill in the next moment, my mood and art plummet south taking me to the incredibly dark corners of my subconscious sewer…hence again, the Lithium from the vets office…Honestly my dog is better off without these meds…it seems that it was I who had the problem…Indeed! Now if I can just get the management at Target to allow me back in and all will forgiven… I’m not sure if I’m banned from just the one location or is it the whole chain? Inclosing I welcome you all and I’ll leave you with some lighter art work I created while recently in Ireland...Just prior to deportation.
Friday, July 20, 2007
Silky's Crush

I know more about our conservative writer than he thinks...after all, I do take up space right outside his door...muhahahaha.... I crush on former British SAS officers who eat sheep's eyeballs in the wild; SILK has forever (or at least for a good chunk of his adolescence) admired the assets of Ms. Twitchy-nose. How different we are!
Bear Grylls,
elizabeth montgomery,
sheep's eyeball
Forget politics, dogfighting and all that...

...the last episode of the season for Man Vs. Wild is on tonight! Jeffo? You hear that? In this eppie I think Bear bashes Michael Vick in the head with his mighty, manly fist and roasts his carcass over a flint-fire that burns with the light of 5,000,000,000,000 suns. (The smoke from said carcass-fire probably sent 120,000 Scottish folk on a 3-day marijuana high...) I think the above photo shows Bear flossing his teeth with a NIKE shoelace after the meal...
Mmmmmmm......Bear.......What will I do until season 3???
Mmmmmmm......Bear.......What will I do until season 3???
"Punish the DEED, NOT the Breed!"

It's probably good that I had a throbbing sinus headache last night or else this post would have been downright EVIL. As I was washing down my Advil & Lithium with a glass of wine, I caught a glimpse of the usually annoying Geraldo Rivera blabbering on the Bill O'Reilly show. Subsequently, what REALLY caught my attention was an inset photo of Michael Vick (& you are all quite aware that I wouldn't shed a tear if Vick was the victim of a greasefire), so I actually listened...to this... Geraldo Rivera - you can fall into the same greasefire for all I care! How dare you blame the American Pit Bull Terrier breed for all its years of controversy instead of the irresponsible oxygen thieves that have owned them, neglected them, fought them and abused them? I cannot freaking believe you had the cajones to insinuate that anyone who owns a pit bull should examine him/herself and his/her psychological state, not to mention that if the same person owns 2 pit bulls, there is certainly something criminal taking place. You are incredibly presumptuous in your ignorance, Geraldo. And your statement about having five kids blah blah blah and if faced with a person walking a pit down the street, there might as well be a loaded weapon pointed at your family blah blah blah.....You are so full of excremento, Gerry. I have an idea for you and your uselessness - why don't you lose your cheesy spray-tanned ass in the middle of nowhere and thank your lucky stars a thousand times for not being tried for treason for giving up troop locations on international TV??? Or here's another good use of your time - you could go on a mission to unearth the location from which your overinflated ego was hatched...And take your snivelling little spawn with you if they pee their pants every time they see a dog - they certainly couldn't contribute to this society in a healthy way if they listen to you.
As my friends, family & readers are aware, I am the proud mom of 2 of the most wonderful, loyal and super-affectionate pit bulls ever, Akira & Achilles. They were originally pound puppies that would have certainly met a horrific fate if I hadn't found them (in reality, they found ME). They love people, especially children, and Akira has even been a therapy dog in the past. People who exploit this strong, sometimes stubborn and powerful breed are the real culprits of so many attacks and tragedies. A dog of any type just wants a family (a pack) and to be loved. Ask one of my heroes, Cesar Milan, aka the dog whisperer. He has rehabilitated so many dogs, including pibbles, so that they are psychologically sound and extremely loving members of a balanced pack.
Vick & Geraldo are so clueless and vapid...they should chum the water, IMO. Especially YOU, Ron Mexico...I'm not finished with you YET!!! *sharpens talons*
***Also - kudos to the artist who created the above sketch. I would credit you if I knew who you were. I commend you for this beautiful piece!
As my friends, family & readers are aware, I am the proud mom of 2 of the most wonderful, loyal and super-affectionate pit bulls ever, Akira & Achilles. They were originally pound puppies that would have certainly met a horrific fate if I hadn't found them (in reality, they found ME). They love people, especially children, and Akira has even been a therapy dog in the past. People who exploit this strong, sometimes stubborn and powerful breed are the real culprits of so many attacks and tragedies. A dog of any type just wants a family (a pack) and to be loved. Ask one of my heroes, Cesar Milan, aka the dog whisperer. He has rehabilitated so many dogs, including pibbles, so that they are psychologically sound and extremely loving members of a balanced pack.
Vick & Geraldo are so clueless and vapid...they should chum the water, IMO. Especially YOU, Ron Mexico...I'm not finished with you YET!!! *sharpens talons*
***Also - kudos to the artist who created the above sketch. I would credit you if I knew who you were. I commend you for this beautiful piece!
cesar milan,
geraldo rivera,
Michael Vick,
pit bulls
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Some common sense from SILK
Thomas Sowell wrote this today and i think he makes a lot of good points. He is a brilliant economist who sees the world with a lot of common sense. Check it out when you have some time. Thomas Sowell
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Ok. The post worked and i am on board with Bagheera. The Vick stuff will only last for awhile and then who cares because he is a heartless person. I will talk politics, theology, economy, sports, and family. I am a far right thinker who is willing to listen and learn from the liberals. I believe Christianity should be taught and not imposed. I believe in capitalism because it has been proven to be the best system. I believe in getting your education and then working hard. I have never ever seen that not work for anyone. I don't think Bush is to blame for everything bad, in the eye of the beholder, that happens in the world. Now, i like to talk and not argue on these subjects. So, i hope we can talk, learn, get to know each other, and get better as people.
Phil 4:13
Phil 4:13
Dear NFL Commissioner Goodell...
If you are as disgusted as I am about the Michael Vick situation, please make your opinion known through the following petition for the Humane Society of the United States. The NFL MUST take action in this situation or the image of every respectable player in the league is at stake. Of course, the message here is to convey that any form of animal cruelty is not acceptable in our society! And for those of you who may argue that this is only about animal abuse and not abuse toward humans, you are wrong! Statistics prove that most serial killers and sex offenders began their criminal history by torturing and killing animals first. The Columbine killers tortured animals before they graduated to human prey. Animal fighting is NO EXCEPTION! Please take a brief moment to sign & send this petition: suspendMichaelVick.
Thank you!!!
Thank you!!!
animal cruelty,
Atlanta Falcons,
Michael Vick,
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
*slaps forehead...with hammer*

The profiles we create for ourselves on these sites really may or may not define who we really are, but they at least give other viewers a little insight to our personalities. Even if we fake it. Believe me, I have nothing to fake. Except that I am really not named after the black panther on The Jungle Book. I'll bet you're surprised at that revelation.
Anyway...I'm quite upset with myself that I did not initially remember to list ANY Akira Kurosawa movie under my favorites. WTF??? Kurosawa's movies influenced American filmmakers tremendously in the days before such cerebral classics as Dude, Where's My Car? and Who's Your Caddy? *gags* How could I forget The Seven Samurai, Ran, High & Low, Yojimbo, and my favorite, Kagemusha? For God's sake, my best friend in the universe is named after Kurosawa! (She's a beautiful brindle and white pit bull named Akira. The only thing alive that understands me...)
Please forgive me, Mr. Kurosawa, for I have sinned. However, I have not forsaken you...I did eventually remember to add your body of work to my measly little blogspot bio...
For those of you who aren't familiar with this genius, please go here...
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Nine Inch Hell

My friend Suzi will enjoy your guitar smashing, keyboard-tinkling, tambourine-jangling ass in Wolverhampton next month. And she'll probably catch your hazel green gaze with her cute wenchy outfit & day-glo tan...Damn British bint! When are you bringing the boys back to the States, Trent??? I MISS you!!! I'm going through 2 years of withdrawal and I need to hear some live In This Twilight or I will spontaneously combust. You don't want me to perish, huh Trent? Call me, okay? We can discuss this privately...
Go Ron Mexico! And I mean GO, dammit!

Paying off some ho to shut her skanky trap about your disease-ridden one-night stand was forgivable under the premise that she probably didn't really have a freaking clue as to who gave her herpes. Flipping off the fans who put all those Benjamins in your sharkskin wallet was a shameful no-no. You played poorly last year, Mike! And not so great the year before. What the hell do you expect? The fans are sick of your overpaid ass underperforming. And then the possible reason for your sketchy athleticism last season came in the form of a water bottle with a hidden ganja compartment still reeking of your last hit at the Miami airport. Brilliant, Mexico, just bloody brill...
I'm sure you paid off the authorities to lose the evidence and forget the incident ever happened just like you have paid off everyone in Surry County, VA to sweep your little dog-fighting *ahem* I mean dog-breeding operation under the biggest rug on the east coast. THIS is what cemented my opinion of you, Mikey. I DO believe that a person is innocent until proven guilty, but it's pretty obvious your guilt has caused you to do some rash things lately, like selling said multi-million dollar dog buriel ground property for a quarter of its value. Trying to get rid of some evidence at the ol' "Bad Newz Kennelz", huh? And what about all the other fight attendees who have crawled out of their slimeholes to prove that you were betting almost $50K per dogfight? If the Surry County DA can't get his head out of his ass, your money out of his pocket and actually do what's right, the federales will step it up as they already have. Then you'll wish you had some real friends who actually give a damn about you, Mike.
Super D and I own two loving, loyal pit bulls that were rescued from our local Humane Society, and we have seen the brutality and immense cruelty of dogfighting from our many volunteer hours at the shelter. Everyone on the planet save for a few pious individuals has indulged in a little drug experimentation and/or salacious sexual activity at some point in their lives. Well, some people...*winks* But intentionally forcing dogs (or any animals) to attack, mutilate and possibly kill each other is evidence of humanity at its most heartless and soulless.
I used to really like you, Michael. I proudly wore your jersey on game day and cheered like a crazy woman every time you ran with the ball. I guess yours is one jersey I won't be wearing this year. Or ever again. You can have it back. Hope you like the modifications.
Saturday, July 14, 2007

Well D, I just have to be fair here...You know I have a not-so-secret crush on Bear Grylls, right? And I know you have a bit of a fascination for Miss Jessica Alba...So, I was thinking in the event of a nuclear holocaust, it would probably serve humankind well for these two to re-populate the earth. They would have the prettiest babies who would also survive an apocalypse better than cockroaches (thanks to their papa's DNA). We don't have such bad taste do we, Super D? You know...I am the dark one & you are the mucho-Anglo one...maybe there's a formula here, hmmm?
Witnessing a MURDER...
Yesterday afternoon Darren (my DH) and I heard a spontaneous explosion of raucous caws and screeches in the trees behind our house. We observed approximately 8 to 10 crows mobbing what appeared to be a lone Red-tailed Hawk. I have never personally witnessed this phenomenon, but I know that it happens.
The hawk perched in the topmost branches of a White Oak, probably wishing he could suddenly disappear as the angry crows screamed at him and took turns darting at him. If they had human voices, I could only imagine....Get the hell out of our neighborhood, you baby-snatching fiend!... Anastassia saw you peeking at her on the nest!...Go terrorize some field mice and leave us alone!...Hermes said you crapped on his head, you foul beast!...Away with you!!!
I almost felt sorry for the hawk as he cringed under the assault. He finally took flight again, but not without the crows in hot pursuit. Interesting...
The hawk perched in the topmost branches of a White Oak, probably wishing he could suddenly disappear as the angry crows screamed at him and took turns darting at him. If they had human voices, I could only imagine....Get the hell out of our neighborhood, you baby-snatching fiend!... Anastassia saw you peeking at her on the nest!...Go terrorize some field mice and leave us alone!...Hermes said you crapped on his head, you foul beast!...Away with you!!!
I almost felt sorry for the hawk as he cringed under the assault. He finally took flight again, but not without the crows in hot pursuit. Interesting...
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Through my kitchen window....

I am blessed with a cast of characters in my back yard menagerie that would rival any Shakespearean drama/comedy (if in mammalian & avian form)...I have Riddick the (fat) Gray Rat that haunts a series of tunnels underneath a White Oak tree directly behind my kitchen window. There are too many Squirrels to name, with the exception of Helen, whose tail has been broken so many times that it resembles a battered cat toy. Two Chipmunk regulars include the glossy and radiant Chelsea and her sometimes paramour Currahee. He received his name from the battle cry of WWII's Easy Company (506th Paratroop Regiment). Poor Currahee has several white scars on his back and flanks, resembling the claw marks of a raptor of some sort. There are two Brewer's Blackbirds who skittishly pick at the groundseed, their yellow bug-eyes watching for any movement from the other side of my windows. I have named this pair September & October.
There are many other wonderful creatures that capture my attention and imagination...all the gorgeous little cowled Towhees that jump-scratch through the leaves looking for worms and beetle larvae...the Cardinal family units that feed each other and mock-fight in the air...the raucous Blue Jays that will band together to chase off a Hawk as quickly as they will any of the little birds...the tiny, cheerful Titmice and Chickadees that bring so much joy...However, I have completely fallen under the spell of the Passerine Oscine birds of the Corvidae family also known as the Common Crow. (Other corvids include Ravens, Blue Jays, Magpies, etc.)
At first I was repelled by these noisy, horrific birds. Strange for me - the brooding, dark and sometimes sinister artist... Anyway, the crows have used my birdbath as a depository for destroyed small blue bird eggs, mangled baby bird remains, half-eaten infant squirrels, hard pepperoni pizza crusts, tiny moles, soggy pretzels, garter snakes, and so many more disgusting items. I was angry with the crows, especially at their skill for picking off the weak and defenseless. However, I soon began to realize that there was another force at work - a strong family bond that could not be broken. After observing the crows for some time, I gained utmost respect for these intelligent, powerful and sometimes dark, sinister, brooding birds...I realized there was a family unit - the majestic Nicodaemus & his slightly smaller mate, Anastassia. The day they brought their fledgling lovechild to our birdbath was an exciting day for me. Darren & I named the "baby" crow (he's almost as big as his parents!) Hermes. Watching this trio has been quite fascinating. If I can ever gain their trust somewhat, I will do my best to take photos of them to post here.
There are many other wonderful creatures that capture my attention and imagination...all the gorgeous little cowled Towhees that jump-scratch through the leaves looking for worms and beetle larvae...the Cardinal family units that feed each other and mock-fight in the air...the raucous Blue Jays that will band together to chase off a Hawk as quickly as they will any of the little birds...the tiny, cheerful Titmice and Chickadees that bring so much joy...However, I have completely fallen under the spell of the Passerine Oscine birds of the Corvidae family also known as the Common Crow. (Other corvids include Ravens, Blue Jays, Magpies, etc.)
At first I was repelled by these noisy, horrific birds. Strange for me - the brooding, dark and sometimes sinister artist... Anyway, the crows have used my birdbath as a depository for destroyed small blue bird eggs, mangled baby bird remains, half-eaten infant squirrels, hard pepperoni pizza crusts, tiny moles, soggy pretzels, garter snakes, and so many more disgusting items. I was angry with the crows, especially at their skill for picking off the weak and defenseless. However, I soon began to realize that there was another force at work - a strong family bond that could not be broken. After observing the crows for some time, I gained utmost respect for these intelligent, powerful and sometimes dark, sinister, brooding birds...I realized there was a family unit - the majestic Nicodaemus & his slightly smaller mate, Anastassia. The day they brought their fledgling lovechild to our birdbath was an exciting day for me. Darren & I named the "baby" crow (he's almost as big as his parents!) Hermes. Watching this trio has been quite fascinating. If I can ever gain their trust somewhat, I will do my best to take photos of them to post here.
...and Bears, Oh My!

Sometimes when trying to invoke that inner muse for creativity's sake, it just doesn't effing work... Sometimes I have to look outside of my deepest self for inspiration...Above is one of my muses that could inspire a Michaelangelo-esque sculpture...Isn't he beautiful and raw, not to mention in tune with nature ??? RAWWRRRR!!!!!! You can inspire me ANY day, Mr. Grylls! Just don't bite the heads off any of the critters that frequent my back yard. m'kay?
Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Typically I read others' blogs & leave my own musings out of the public eye. However, the complexity of my personal situation led me down this little tributary... I work for a powerful financial firm, yet the 9 to 5 is killing my soul. I am an artist at heart and have been all my life. Without creative outlet, my sanity and soul will certainly fade.. Sound a bit emo? I'm no drama queen, just a freaky-arse artist with a need for release. Please feel free to comment here...You'll probably witness quite a bit of meaningless tripe mixed with my bizarre ramblings. Enjoy...if that's your thing.
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