I know anyone who reads this blog is going to get tired of my Pit Bull posts, but too bad! Heh heh, I am nuts about the breed and I am a huge advocate for Pits. This breed will also be featured in the news rather prominently for months to come thanks to the Vick dogfighting scandal.
Pit Bulls flood shelters all over the country and are banned by some cities altogether. This is such a terrible, shameful attitude toward one of the most wonderful dog breeds in the world. Because of their focus and determination, they make excellent rescue dogs. Pits are also a favorite breed used by law enforcement officials as drug detection and bomb-sniffing dogs. Irresponsible owners, not the dogs themselves, have tarnished perception of this noble breed.
Please do not judge Pit Bulls by their reputation! The below vid is a dedication to the pit bulls that were killed on Michael Vick's property. It is very though-provoking...check it out!
Thanks for sharing this little film with a big message!
I love pits and even though I do not currently own one, I did once and I miss tha little bugger! Okay he wasn't little, but he was the smartest and the sweetest dog possible...Thanks for posting about them and for them, they deserve it!
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