Fishing! That’s cool… Though not for the ADHD such as my self. Last time I went deep-sea fishing I attempted a Coup de ta with some limited success when our charter fishing boat came dangerously close to a party barge full swingers from the Hedonism II resort. After a brief battle with the captain in the wheelhouse I was escorted off the ship… yes at sea! I had merely recommended a slight course change in my own subtle way. Ok...Ok…I concede by that point I WAS half naked, I just thought it helped to sell the whole change of course idea! So I made my way toward the floating Shangri-La all while trying to keep my best “How you doo’in” look on my face. So not to make the others on the swinging barge uncomfortable (Always wanting to fit in) I would swim a bit and then unburden my self with another piece of clothing then continue back on my aqueous trek toward those whom I was certain so desperately wanted me to join in their fun. Well once I was close enough to receive a life ring from my rocking ship of love covered Sea Monkeys; I was curtly hauled from the cool Atlantic waters. Once aboard, I was a bit dismayed by what appeared to be over a hundred sour faces all staring at me as if I had totally read them ALL wrong when our ships literally and figuratively did pass!
All I could do was look down at my self and say “ WOW! Was that water cold or what?
Wow, filmmaker...you need to get out more.
I thought I was out.... If only half this stuff happend to me I be happy! So many scenes trapped in this... this.... well head I guess!
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