Well D, I just have to be fair here...You know I have a not-so-secret crush on Bear Grylls, right? And I know you have a bit of a fascination for Miss Jessica Alba...So, I was thinking in the event of a nuclear holocaust, it would probably serve humankind well for these two to re-populate the earth. They would have the prettiest babies who would also survive an apocalypse better than cockroaches (thanks to their papa's DNA). We don't have such bad taste do we, Super D? You know...I am the dark one & you are the mucho-Anglo one...maybe there's a formula here, hmmm?
I see not only both you and I, but also our wonderfully unnoticed blogs share an affinity for one Mr. Grylls. I think he'd be offended by the Mr. label.
Anyways, keep reading, it's bound to get more absurd.
Ok......Sir Grylls it is.
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