He's big, black and beautiful. He's young and arrogant. And he's mine.... He's Hermes, the fledgling crow that keeps visiting my backyard birdbath with his parents, Anastassia & Nicodaemus. I diligently tried to wait with great patience today to capture this handsome little feathered devil on my digital camera, but every minute movement scared him away. Damn!!! He's quite the character...he likes to hop around on the birdbath, tilting his head from side to side as he drinks and observes all the activity that takes place around him... Apparently, the neurotic squirrels don't bother him a bit, but any slight movement of an anxious artist sends him into the highest branches...I'll capture him on film soon! And when I do, you will all see this beautiful little corvid....
Nice shot of the young arrogant bird. Ladies seem to like arrogance even thought they act like they hate it. the site looks great and i like the changes. What is your source for naming the birds? i us cartoons which says a lot about me.
I love unique names from literature, history and mythology. I am also quite fond of Russian and Japanese names. I made Hermes' name a link on my post. He is the bringer of fire...I need to name one of the other birds Prometheus, heh heh.
BTW, thanks for the comp on the site. And yes, I guess I'm a sucker for a little arrogance. Alphas are more attractive in the natural world!
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