HE said he could not even get a cab in New York because he was a black man. This makes no sense and he was called out for it. The link is a long read and i just wanted to point out this quote that people cheered for during the debate. Obama, please don't pander to the left just because you are a black man running for president. You will not get my vote, but you have the chance to get a lot of peoples votes that would not normally vote fora liberal Democrat. So, stick to the issues and leave the race out of it. If you want to help black people, who can help themselves all they want, be a good candidate and stay away from Sharpton like issues. You are way too smart and talented for that.
He's a smart, eloquent man, and it was pandering to a degree. Every time I visit NYC, I'm amazed at the cabbies picking up whites over blacks, however...so I would give some truth to his statement. However, I don't like him playing the card either.
As for "help themselves all they want" - I disagree with this. As a nation, we have so many institutional practices set up that by and large keep the "black man" down. I'm not saying it's overt, but it's definitely there and it's definitely recognizable.
Hey Jeff. Thank for the debate. I live down here in the South and i have worked with black youth for many years. I don't see any thing keeping them " down" except themselves. i see 12 free years of school, scholarship money if you want it, most compaines have hidden quotes, and people down here want to help a hard working black person. so, please let me know what you see your way and lets talk about it.
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