...the last episode of the season for Man Vs. Wild is on tonight! Jeffo? You hear that? In this eppie I think Bear bashes Michael Vick in the head with his mighty, manly fist and roasts his carcass over a flint-fire that burns with the light of 5,000,000,000,000 suns. (The smoke from said carcass-fire probably sent 120,000 Scottish folk on a 3-day marijuana high...) I think the above photo shows Bear flossing his teeth with a NIKE shoelace after the meal...
Mmmmmmm......Bear.......What will I do until season 3???
Mmmmmmm......Bear.......What will I do until season 3???
i can't help but pull for the wild in this battle.
Oh, come on SILK! This is Sir Edward Michael "Bear" Grylls we're talking about! Pee-swilling, maggot-munching, horse-taming (almost), GLASS-ee-er conquering Bear! (Although I didn't care for his turtle sacrifice...) Plus, he's HOTTT....shallow, I know. I'll post a pic of Samantha from Bewitched for you if you'd like...
what?????????????? how do you know about me and samantha????????????????????????? post a picutre in black and white.
I know all and hear all - you aren't the only one with bat ears, Silky Smooth! You'll get yer wish in a mo'......
While your at it.... How about one of Mary Ann from Gilligans Island? ))))) Oh... and one of and Agent 99 from Get Smart!!! The list....it goes on and on!!!! I gotta learn to spell if I’m going to lay with you guys!!! I have to keep reposting my banter because I cant spell!!!!!!!! Yegahhhh!
Never fear, filmmaker, for although he has a brilliant mind and mucho common sense, SILK cannot spell either... (Sorry, SILK. Please don't write me up for that, ok? *grins*)Just keep the comments coming, fm.
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