Ok, here it is. TaDah! This was an image I produce (with some help of course) in the studio back in the mid 80's...I sent one out to everyone on my Christmas list..Well, it went over like a led zeppelin. (Pun intended). I must of had some pretty square friends back then. So the following holiday season I received about half as many cards as I had the previous year... All in all I think it worked out just fine. Its good to act up once in a while...its the true test of who your REAL friends are. I just draw the line at any stunt thats going to land me on the eleven o'clock news holding a board with numbers on it under my chin. More in the AM, I think I rolled the wheelchair over my Xanax drip.... What a rush!!
I love this photo! Very creative and subtly kinky...Some people are too fooking stuffy. I think we all have a little kink in us - certain people are just terrified to admit it. Kepp posting your work!
Fooking! I love it! The word.... well the meaning as well... I agree, most are people are kinky. If you dont let a little weird out now and again, you end up going off there deep end...and that's where I live!!! The Deep end! Well for those who have never been kinky all I can say in "Now THAT'S KINKY!" Leave the lights on!!!!
My Newcastle accent slips every now and then. Never mind me.
Can I get on your Christmas Card List?
You got it! Every year they get spicier))
Now that's a tree I could put my presents under.
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