Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Dear NFL Commissioner Goodell...

If you are as disgusted as I am about the Michael Vick situation, please make your opinion known through the following petition for the Humane Society of the United States. The NFL MUST take action in this situation or the image of every respectable player in the league is at stake. Of course, the message here is to convey that any form of animal cruelty is not acceptable in our society! And for those of you who may argue that this is only about animal abuse and not abuse toward humans, you are wrong! Statistics prove that most serial killers and sex offenders began their criminal history by torturing and killing animals first. The Columbine killers tortured animals before they graduated to human prey. Animal fighting is NO EXCEPTION! Please take a brief moment to sign & send this petition: suspendMichaelVick.

Thank you!!!


SILK said...

i will sign your petion after i pop my zoloft for the day. Thanks for the link!

Bagheera said...

SILK!!!!!!! You finally made it, my pill-popping fiend - I mean friend....YAY!

SILK said...

glad to be here!!! When will this place get political???

Bagheera said...

Why don't I add you as a political writer, Silk? You'd be PURR-fect!

SILK said...

oh, very nice cat woman!!!!!!! yeah sign me up and set some ground rules so we can be fair and balanced. i do happen to have a thought or two on the subject.

Bagheera said... have to have your own blog established, I think. But I want you to be my political man here if that's in your repetoire (I know it is!)....I'll check into it & TADA! You are my Right-Wing political commentator!

SILK said...

sounds good! You might have to help me but i am in. also, far right!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bagheera said...

I'll work on this....I'll e-mail you with further info.