Well, Ron Mexico, apparently you know a little more about the shenanigans at your Virginia "estate" than you originally stated, hmmm?. Sure, your generosity was abused by your friends and family. Those bastards! Taking over your property to whip up a little illegal cottage industry while you were away playing Santa Claus for orphans & cleaning kennels at the Atlanta Humane Society...how dare they conduct such an operation as BRUTAL and INHUMANE as dogfighting under your philanthropic & saintly nose? Bullshit! Tony Taylor outed you with his plea today, you lying moron! Do you really think the public is that stupid, Mikey??? I hope the courts take you down along with every pathetic thug and paid-off official that has ever been associated with Bad Newz Kennels.
BTW...I heard that only Converse will sponsor you now. They will soon (I think November 26 is the release date?) present the new line of "Con-VICKS"...in an appropriate shade of prison jumpsuit orange. BA-DUM-BUM-BUM...Cheesy, I know...
(No offense or disrespect meant to Converse, of course...)
Nice! Very nice!!!!!!!!! He is in big trouble and i hope he gets major time if this is true. He was already a convict before any of the dog "stuff" came up.
The guy deserves to have his balls cut off if he's found guilty.
Sick bastard.
Please don't be so shy, L_E! You can really express your true feelings here...it's okay. LMAO!
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