Thursday, July 19, 2007

Some common sense from SILK

Thomas Sowell wrote this today and i think he makes a lot of good points. He is a brilliant economist who sees the world with a lot of common sense. Check it out when you have some time. Thomas Sowell


Bagheera said...

Thanks for the link, SILK. A little Monkey's Head commentary would be nice, too. Straight from Silky himself...

Jeffo Zubrewski said...
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Jeffo Zubrewski said...

I think anyone who knows anything substantive about the way this war has unraveled (both in time and in execution) could have written this. Furthermore, I think Sowell's comment that our troops "won" is completely off base. When you have Baghdad divided as it is, certainly no victory has been achieved. I'd expect more from Sowell.

Now, this lack of victory can be attributed to many enraging facts, and certainly one of the more important is the ineptitude of our elected officials, so I'll say Sowell does have a point here.

A new documentary coming out that I had the privilege of seeing with New York City's politics and international news writers is titled "No End In Sight." Afterwards, a Q&A ensued with the director and two of the main people in occupied-Iraq. The documentary does a fantastic job of summarizing just how much of a failure the current administration and Congresses have been. I recommend everyone see it upon its release.

SILK said...

Hey Jeff. Thanks for stopping by and posting with us. I disagree because our troops did win and we continue to make things hard for the bad guys. I am impressed that you said congress and did not single out any person or any side. So, that shows you are a person of character and very welcome here. Where can we find the documentary? i agree we have no end is site and that some change is needed, so i would like to see this. However, i still say we had to go and we have to keep it up.

Jeffo Zubrewski said...

the documentary is released on the 27th in select cities, and then in august nation wide. definitely keep an eye out for it.

I still would contend to the contrary, the fact we went into Iraq on false premises, and even worse with fewer troops than needed, has only worsened the problem. True we took a ruthless dictator out. But what we've created is a multi-sided enemy (a very poor way to put it). What we've done, in perpetrating this war (and very, very poorly at that), is radicalized even the more sectarian Iraqis. There's a wealth of literature speaking to this.

It's such a horrid situation, the only thing I can really say is that we never should have been there in the first place. It makes me feel good, in an "I told you so" sort of way, to know I've been against this flex of military muscle since its conception. There is no surefire way to win now. Since we did go in, what should have been done was to give the proper troop levels, make proper contracts (the no-bids are costing us billions), and go about this correctly.

What we have instead is now a situation that cannot be won, and no politician on either side who seems to give a damn. What we do have is a bunch of fiscally irresponsible politicians who would rather act childish and debate issues that have no bearing on the nation than seriously deal with things like health care or this awful war.

(sorry for rambling, it's what I do.)

SILK said...

Ramble on my man. Now, you stole my thunder in your last post. We won because a mad man is gone with his sons, and the people now have some hope they can be safe. However, i still say we had to go or the radicals would have grown so strong we would never stop them. The war is awful and we have lost some great people in the process. Can it be won? I hate it but not at this rate. We do some change and that change needs to be from " all " of congress. My fear is if we sign the " surrender " papers we will also be signing the death wish for a lot more of innocent people over here.

Bagheera said...

We are basically now in a lose-lose situation. The upcoming election scares the hell out of me because I don't see a clear leader who can sort things out, even if supported by a sound cabinet. My heart goes out to our military and all the families involved.

SILK said...

well, i still think there is a win out there we just can't get it from where we are now. Jeff is right in that we should have sent enough troops to get it all done very fast. we are now stuck and no one knows what to do. i just think pulling out is not the solution. now, can these people help themselves and live free? i don't think so and that is the biggest mistake in planning we made.