It's probably good that I had a throbbing sinus headache last night or else this post would have been downright EVIL. As I was washing down my Advil & Lithium with a glass of wine, I caught a glimpse of the usually annoying Geraldo Rivera blabbering on the Bill O'Reilly show. Subsequently, what REALLY caught my attention was an inset photo of Michael Vick (& you are all quite aware that I wouldn't shed a tear if Vick was the victim of a greasefire), so I actually listened...to this... Geraldo Rivera - you can fall into the same greasefire for all I care! How dare you blame the American Pit Bull Terrier breed for all its years of controversy instead of the irresponsible oxygen thieves that have owned them, neglected them, fought them and abused them? I cannot freaking believe you had the cajones to insinuate that anyone who owns a pit bull should examine him/herself and his/her psychological state, not to mention that if the same person owns 2 pit bulls, there is certainly something criminal taking place. You are incredibly presumptuous in your ignorance, Geraldo. And your statement about having five kids blah blah blah and if faced with a person walking a pit down the street, there might as well be a loaded weapon pointed at your family blah blah blah.....You are so full of excremento, Gerry. I have an idea for you and your uselessness - why don't you lose your cheesy spray-tanned ass in the middle of nowhere and thank your lucky stars a thousand times for not being tried for treason for giving up troop locations on international TV??? Or here's another good use of your time - you could go on a mission to unearth the location from which your overinflated ego was hatched...And take your snivelling little spawn with you if they pee their pants every time they see a dog - they certainly couldn't contribute to this society in a healthy way if they listen to you.
As my friends, family & readers are aware, I am the proud mom of 2 of the most wonderful, loyal and super-affectionate pit bulls ever, Akira & Achilles. They were originally pound puppies that would have certainly met a horrific fate if I hadn't found them (in reality, they found ME). They love people, especially children, and Akira has even been a therapy dog in the past. People who exploit this strong, sometimes stubborn and powerful breed are the real culprits of so many attacks and tragedies. A dog of any type just wants a family (a pack) and to be loved. Ask one of my heroes, Cesar Milan, aka the dog whisperer. He has rehabilitated so many dogs, including pibbles, so that they are psychologically sound and extremely loving members of a balanced pack.
Vick & Geraldo are so clueless and vapid...they should chum the water, IMO. Especially YOU, Ron Mexico...I'm not finished with you YET!!! *sharpens talons*
***Also - kudos to the artist who created the above sketch. I would credit you if I knew who you were. I commend you for this beautiful piece!
As my friends, family & readers are aware, I am the proud mom of 2 of the most wonderful, loyal and super-affectionate pit bulls ever, Akira & Achilles. They were originally pound puppies that would have certainly met a horrific fate if I hadn't found them (in reality, they found ME). They love people, especially children, and Akira has even been a therapy dog in the past. People who exploit this strong, sometimes stubborn and powerful breed are the real culprits of so many attacks and tragedies. A dog of any type just wants a family (a pack) and to be loved. Ask one of my heroes, Cesar Milan, aka the dog whisperer. He has rehabilitated so many dogs, including pibbles, so that they are psychologically sound and extremely loving members of a balanced pack.
Vick & Geraldo are so clueless and vapid...they should chum the water, IMO. Especially YOU, Ron Mexico...I'm not finished with you YET!!! *sharpens talons*
***Also - kudos to the artist who created the above sketch. I would credit you if I knew who you were. I commend you for this beautiful piece!
go get him and leave him in your dust!!!!!!!!!! he was way out of line with his words and you should be offended. the only , fair and balanced, thing i would say is he is right about SOME owners. he should not include all owners in his words.
SOME people do use pit bulls to boost their testosterone or make up for some physical or mental deficiency, I agree. But the dog OWNERS, not the DOGS, are to blame. I could make a Beagle vicious if I were someone like Michael Vick.
snoopy as an evil dog????? you are right about the people and not the dog. i am saying some people use Pit bulls the for wrong reasons and he should have said some and not all.
I know where you're coming from, SILK. *winks* Not to worry...I use my Pit Bulls as weapons, too. They are loaded with deadly, toxic gases. Phhheeewwwww!!!!!!
Filmmaker said...
Great illustrations…I so hope this takes Vick and everyone involved south…. I’m not talking geographically here.
What I cannot understand is why ignorant humans always have to find someone or something to blame idiocracy on. Now, I have always found Geraldo quite an indigint ass who is an over dramatic bitch! To think that any animal would really say hey come watch me fight and bet money for your entertainment. AND you might as well blame our bad attitudes on our breed cause you know...that is stereo typical!
That is all crap...and humans are only reason animals behave the way they do. There are many people who own pits and they are the sweetest and most lovable pet....so really Geraldo should be asking himself,"How do I treat my pet, and what can I do to change the way others are treating theirs to make them behave in such a manner?". Kudos to you bagheera!
Thanks for all the support here on this subject I am PASSIONATE about. You have not seen the end of my rants here. I will closely follow the dogfighting news as it breaks and post my opinions here.
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