Thursday, August 30, 2007

Please come home for Christmas......

My friend Butterfly posted the following information on our other blog, Empire of Dirt:

Ok, so I found this tonight on the Spiral and had to post it:

this was posted on the nin blogger

NIN/TOOL co-headline U.S. tour in NOV/DEC 2007.
Details will be annouced once TOOL and NIN complete their european tours.should be fun.

So I will get all school girly~ OMG, OMG, OMG!!!
I REALLY hope this true and not someone messing with my fragile heart and mind, LOL. I did NOT see this post for myself, a mod posted this info on a thread....and she said the same thing~ she hopes no one is playing a cruel joke on us, LOL.
Very exciting news! Keep your fingers (and toes) crossed that NIN will grace us with a nice Christmas present this year!

God, if this is true, I will be ONE FREAKING HAPPY GIRL & Butterfly & I can attend a NIN show together for the first time! Trent, you know what Bagheera wants for Christmas...right??? *winks*

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Monday, August 27, 2007

Michael Vick Finds Jesus

Michael Vick, today you officially admitted your guilt and attributed it to "immaturity". Listen, Michael, "immaturity" is launching spit balls - not murdering pit bulls. What you did can be chalked up to an evil nature. But, I guess you've got that covered now, since you've "found Jesus" and turned your life over to God and "aksed" forgiveness. Now you can be clothed in His righteousness - right?

One can only hope and pray that you truly will turn your life around - it's too late for those dogs that you tortured to death - but I believe they are in a better, kinder place.

Now that you have invited the Lord into your heart I suppose you'll be reading The Good Book. Here's a good verse for you to meditate on: "A righteous man regards the life of his animal." (Proverbs 12:10)

I do believe in forgiveness and redemption - and I do believe that God can dramatically change people's lives - so I hope you are sincere and I do wish you the best in your new life in Christ. Once you have served your time, and I hope you do get a sentence that sends a loud message, I believe you should be allowed a fresh start. Your past actions have at least increased awareness of the horrors of dog fighting - now, I think that rather than continuing to crucify you, our energies are best spent educating the public, hopefully bringing this brutal practice to an end once and for all.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Waiting on an Angel...

Wonder why I hate dogfighting (and ALL animal fighting) so much? The above video made for a Humane Society of the United States competition reveals the brutality of dogfighting with some very candid photos. Would you want to be associated with someone who participates in this kind of barbarism? Please watch the vid even if the subject matter makes you feel uncomfortable. Hopefully material like this will reach thousands of people and shock them into action.

The End of an Era???

The end of the Michael Vick era is upon us...hopefully. NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell made his decision ahead of Vick's appearance before the Honorable Henry Hudson on Monday. I respect Mr. Goodell and his decisions regarding the Vick situation so far; however, I hope that an indefinite ban from the NFL does not give Vick the opportunity to EVER PLAY AGAIN. I'm a bit worried about this because while the Falcons will take action to recoup $22 million from Vick, he will remain on the Atlanta roster. Unfortunately, this whole situation revolves around money more than what's right or wrong. I do seriously respect Nike for terminating its contract with Vick. Nike realizes the weight and severity of Vick's criminal behavior and how keeping the Vick endorsement would harm their corporate reputation. Now I can peel the duct tape off my swishes and proudly wear my running shoes once again.
I honestly feel that once Vick has served his time he has the right to make a living for himself just like anyone else. However, I hope he is NEVER allowed the opportunity to have an occupation that places him in the public eye again. Of course, Americans have a short memory and Vick will probably end up on "Dancing With the Stars" or some tripe like that in a few years...In the meantime, I'm very curious about what Monday will bring.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

A Knick on the Vick

Looks like we can add Stephon Marbury of the New York Knicks to our idiot factor list. He should have shut his pie hole after awarding his friend Michael Vick the "good human being" label...but he just had to go on and display his ignorance further with the statement, "We don't say anything about people shooting deers and shooting other animals, you know what I mean?"

Ignorance evidence #1: The plural of "deer" is not "deers".

Ignorance evidence #2: Deer hunting and dog fighting (not to mention dog electrocution, hanging, and body slamming) are incomparable. Although I personally could never shoot a deer, I am quite sure that deer hunting is NOT killing just for the sake of killing. The overpopulation of deer can lead to many problems - including the prospect of a slow and painful death of deer due to starvation. Hopefully the majority of deer that are hunted are shot skillfully - causing a quick death with little pain. This cannot compare with the torture that these pit bulls were (and are) subjected to. In addition, many hunters process the venison and either eat it themselves or donate the food to shelters. (Now, allow me to reiterate here that I, personally, cringe at the thought of killing ANY LIVING fact, I have to look the other way when a chicken truck passes by and I am one of those people who will take the time to capture a spider in a cup and release it outside rather than step on it.)

Ignorance evidence #3: Marbury went on to spew the following pearls: "From what I hear, dogfighting is a sport. It's just behind closed doors..." Dear Stephon, glad to know you're trying to keep up on current trends and such but, from what I hear, dogfighting is an ILLEGAL sport...and LOTS of things go on behind closed doors that are heinous. Get a brain - you are an embarrassment to my home state.

Lastly, ignorance evidence #4: The point guard wished to make the point that he thinks "it's tough that WE build Michael Vick up and then WE break him down". (Do you have a mouse in your pocket Stephon?) Excuse me but I have never worshipped or even paid much attention to Vick in the past and from all I have read lately, it looks like he's been doing a pretty damn good job of shedding light on his lack of character ALL BY HIMSELF over the past few years.

Anyway, Mr. Marbury, I thank you for giving me something to blog about - I've been experiencing some frustrating writer's block as of late and I'm glad to be back.

P.S. Oh, I almost forgot...thank you, too, for giving me another brand of sneakers to boycott.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

The Greatest Lawsuit EVER!!!

Apparently, Ron Mexico steals Pit Bulls and sells them on eBAY to buy missiles from Al Qaeda. At least according to this inmate's claims. And take a look at the handwritten $63 Billion dollar lawsuit. This is truly a masterpiece. Belongs in the National Museum or even the Louvre. Looks like everyone's out to get Ookie!

P.S. Mr. Riches' name is copyrighted - check it out! GAWD this is too good!

Car Dance Party Moscow With Boris & Juri


Die an Early Death...

"If I could start again...a million miles away,
I would keep myself - I would find a way..."

Anyone who reads this blog is probably SICK to DEATH of my bi-polar rants, but tough shite! I could remain emo quietly behind the scenes, but why would I want to do that when I can spout off online and broadcast my tortured soul to the universe? Not that anyone truly cares...but at least I can unload my troubled thoughts in the desperate hope that Trent Reznor will read my posts and send me a private message...You know, something like this: "I have searched the entire world during my last few years of touring, hoping to find that special young lady who complements my darkest self...I would have never imagined that I would find her through her online blog...You are truly magnificent... Bagheera, you complete me..."
Anyway, insomnia is I haven't had a good night's sleep in...5 years? I have had maybe 3 good solid hours of sleep in 3 nights, and today I crashed. Again. Is there an end to this? I haven't found a doctor who can help me yet...I feel like a walking lab rat - my body chemistry composed of lithium & blood & water & anti-depressants & sleep-aids. I don't think the Red Cross would even consider taking my blood, unless a bleeding-out accident victim was also insane in the membrane.
I can only hope for some kind of miraculous relief, whether it's in the form of some miracle krazee-cure or an early death. Who knows?


Sunday, August 12, 2007

Crippled Kitten - updated 15June2007

A happy ending to what could have been a terrible fate. This is a true testament to the resiliency of animals as well as the importance of compassion toward all of God's creatures.

Crippled Kitten

This story has really touched me. The kitten's will to survive and the rescuer's compassion are magnificent. Warning: it's difficult to watch, but there is a happy ending.

Michael Vick's Jury

Friday, August 10, 2007

What am I supposed to do? I lost my shit because of you...

Pics taken from the Stockholm NIN show:

Dear Trent,

You only get better with age. I'm sure you are quite aware of that, being that you have many screaming, lust-wrought female fans all over the world who are young enough to be your daughter... Your music and performances continue to expand into the intellectual realms of a true artist's territory...growing with experimental depth with every note and lyric you create. You are the poet laureate for those who cannot express their deepest, darkest selves, dear Trent, and I hope you realize that you have written the soundtrack of my life and soul...
Oh, and BTW...You are still the sexiest man alive...screw the perpetually stoned, bongo-pounding 30-something frat-boy Matthew McConaughey and the totally ball-less, P-whipped ethnic-baby-buying-cause-Angie-said-it's-cool Brad Pitt...I'll take a buff genius musician over such celeb-trash any day of the week.


P.S. When are you coming stateside, love? I ask you this every week, I know.... But when???

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Art Is Resistance...

Just because I cannot get over the uniforms.......Trent & company are just SMASHING as Year Zero crusaders...

More crazy cat lady stuff

Okay so I couldn't post these pics on the other blog, so I had to start this these are my first is fine, but please be nice-I bite!

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

SILK say amen to the firefighters of San Diego!!!!!!!!!!

Check this out! I am glad the firefighters stood up to the boss who is so worried about being P C , and the Lesbian showed some class by apologizing to the men. If you want to be gay that is fine. However, please don't show us what you do and what you like. You can't do that in public just like i can't do that with my wife in public. I would not do that because i have respect for others, myself, and most important my wife. So, please keep it to yourself and don't force others to accept it.

LOLCATS of the day...

Monday, August 6, 2007

SILK likes the new French President.

This is what we need to see out of a French person who has some world power. This guy looks like, for now, like he has some balls which is what is needed in that region.

Sunday, August 5, 2007


When was the last time totsuds and Newcastle coal miners won anything????????????? How many Newcastle shirts do you own?????? Chelsky is good but they can be had this year just like today. So, we shall see next week. I am glad to see some passion in here and i hope we can keep it up. Also, if i was another American glory seeker i would be a Manure or Chelsky fan.

Saturday, August 4, 2007


I want to introduce you to the Arsenal!!!! It is Silk's favorite football, soccer, team in England. Bagherra has a friend from across the pond who is a Newcastle fan. Well, they are the coal miners who never win. Man, that is harsh but the season starts next Saturday an i want to stir the pot before we get going. " same ol coal miners, always losing. same ol coal miners, always losing."

P. S. SILK says all of this in jest as a way to welcome the Newcastle fan to the site. Let the games begin.

You're Exposed!

Little_Eiffel is lurking in the shadows of Corvidae now...waiting for her first opportunity to pounce. She's my British friend I mentioned in a much earlier post regarding her upcoming Nine Inch Nails show in Wolverhampton. I'm sorely tempted to fly across the pond and attend the show just so she won't take my man away from me! Haha...I love you hinny! Welcome aboard!

P.S. Perhaps I can persuade you to give us a show commentary with some good pics??? Hmmm????

Friday, August 3, 2007

James Dean said it best

James Dean may have ended his life at a young age, but he sure did live his life to its fullest. Now his saying is something we should all really think about living by. "Dream as if you'll live forever"...when I read this I think of how we have dreams that are so close, yet we hold them so far because we are so afraid to take the time to achieve those dreams! So James Dean was right to say that we should reach for our dreams as if we have all of the time in the world to achieve them!

"Live as if you'll die today" - to me this means that life is short and we do not need to waist our time with nonsense. Life is what you make of it. If you choose to sit around a mope or ponder about little technicalities then you will never truly enjoy your life. If you want to go and try that new sport or bungee jump then do it now! Isn't that what life is about? You live, you love and you learn...don't waist your time live your life!

Is it humane...and what it is free?

Look at this precious little guy------>
I do not know to whom this pic belongs but I do know that he or she has a home and obviously a loving family! But in light of recent events with the abuse and mistreatment of pit bulls by horrible people you can prob. think of the million other animals who are mistreated and/or thrown out into the streets to fend for themselves. Lets not forget about those who illegally hunt animals, test on animals for OUR selfish needs! Now, Windows IM has decided to make a difference! "i’m is a new initiative from Windows Live Messenger™. Every time you start a conversation using i’m, Microsoft shares a portion of the program's advertising revenue with some of the world's most effective organizations dedicated to social causes. We've set no cap on the amount we'll donate to each organization. The sky's the limit." Now, you have the choice of who you want to have the monies go too, but I have chosen The Human Society....but there are many others...PLEASE go to their website and check it out...imagine all you have to do is converse with your friends and family and you are making a difference too!

Help Me Become Somebody Else...

Nine Inch Nails has been touring again...finishing up in Moscow & St. Petersburg. The next stop is Finland...far away Finland.....Trent, please come home, okay??? Some day you'll realize the immense love Bagheera has for you & your beautifully-shaped quads in those sparklepants...Some day soon you'll hump the mic stand again in the ATL with Bagheera at full attention, taking secretive shots of your meaty thighs with her miniscule camera...GAH!!! Just come home and serenade me with "Big Man With a Big Gun", why don't you???

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

It's all about ME...

Things around here have been pretty serious and morose lately... The passing of my dear Winston has been very difficult for me. I have had about 24 hours of sleep over the last 3 weeks. My basement flooded. Michael Vick's dogfighting scandal pisses me off. I have zero faith in any upcoming presidential candidate. I have lost my appetite. God, I'm a mess...
But there is a light at the end of the tunnel... It's called Bi-polar Disorder. When I'm at my lowest, sometimes the manic-ness kicks in & brings me to a whole new state of existence. I become a delusional bitch who locks herself in the studio to create & be what I was born to be...a delusional artist. I also peruse the goods at Trashy. Trashiness never hurts an artist's soul. Sometimes mental illness isn't so bad after all...