Things around here have been pretty serious and morose lately... The passing of my dear Winston has been very difficult for me. I have had about 24 hours of sleep over the last 3 weeks. My basement flooded. Michael Vick's dogfighting scandal pisses me off. I have zero faith in any upcoming presidential candidate. I have lost my appetite. God, I'm a mess...
But there is a light at the end of the tunnel... It's called Bi-polar Disorder. When I'm at my lowest, sometimes the manic-ness kicks in & brings me to a whole new state of existence. I become a delusional bitch who locks herself in the studio to create & be what I was born to be...a delusional artist. I also peruse the goods at Trashy. Trashiness never hurts an artist's soul. Sometimes mental illness isn't so bad after all...
I'm so sorry about Winston.
...All the shit you're going through :( when it rains it pores.
I hope creating has given you some relief.
HINNY!!!!! I'm so glad you found me...thanks for the kind words. I'll catch up with you this weekend - surprise!
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