Saturday, March 22, 2008

Drive-by Post

I've been working out and grocery shopping. Yay for me... I thought I would pop in with yet another one of my random drive-by posts before I'm off again. It's obvious that I am in need of serious therapy, but who has time for that when you can be making smarmy blogposts??? If anything here offends you, good. Have fun...


Diskay said...

I am offended, by the cats and their wiley ways mostly.
Dogs rule the world, everyone doth know this be d'Truth

Bagheera said...

I offended myself with that fugly pic of Parasite Hilton...ewww! Cats are actually quite benevolent, Diskay...they allow us to co-exist with them on THEIR planet.

DrJones2005 said...

I'm offended in a most curious way.... It's given me a raging hard-on and I need to go relieve myself now.....

Bagheera said...

Wow....I need to post more offensive material here if it has such an effect on you MSgt. Or maybe I shouldn't...muhahaha

butterfly42080 said...

What you need to do is get copies of these pics. That way, the next time you see him, you can flash these pics in public and make him walk around like that... make sure he is wearing the lace up though... ;P

Bagheera said...

Hey! He doesn't need these pics when I'M right beside him!!!!! LOL... The lace-up and Spongebob boxers would be perfect....HA!

DrJones2005 said...

LOL Butterfly is just wrong for that... and true, I walk around with wood all the time when I'm with Bagheera muhahaha

butterfly42080 said...

You think I am wrong because it would be YOU walking around with wood ;P
Think of how much worse it be with the pics though, muhahahaha;)

Diskay said...

Only thing worse than trying to walk with a wood on, is trying to have a piss with a wood on!
Now that fun times right there!
muhahahahahahaha *cough cough*

butterfly42080 said...

So... does the piss go so high that you could drink it when you have wood, or is it more at an angle for ya?? :P

Diskay said...

Drinking piss? What doth ye take me for?
*whistles and acts all innocent like*

butterfly42080 said...

So, it's more at an angle then??

Bagheera said...

Butterfly, you know those Scots are multi-talented! ;-)

butterfly42080 said...

buhahahahahaha!!! You said it seester! ;)