The feline Prince of Darkness..........He loves my office chair & his monkey...
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Bloody hell...........................
Meet shy and humble cell phone salesman Paul Potts on "Britain's Got Talent"........I had chillbumps all over during his incredible audition & final performance on the show. I also loved the judges' reactions - I don't think they were prepared to hear such a powerful, beautiful voice when Paul took the stage. I am thrilled he has been discovered because he has a wonderful gift to share with music lovers all over the world. Please enjoy!
britain's got talent,
paul potts,
simon cowell
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Because she's white...and trashy!
No human being stands a chance against Bagheera and her camera...Muhahahahaha!!! This is a photo of my neighbor across the street, whom I have nicknamed the "Screeching Neck-Beast". Apparently the cops have been called on her (again) for whatever reason... She & her Lurch-like spouse have "hosted" our local police department on many occasions for various reasons, including having fug offspring with multiple equally fug illegitimate hellions whose daddies like to come around every now & then to cause trouble. The Neck-Beast also owns two female cats that have NOT been spayed...they are always in heat...they have litter after litter of kittens (God knows what happens to them!)...they roam the neighborhood killing birds and chipmunks that visit feeders and wildlife sanctuaries...
Needless to say, the Neck-Beast is destined to make her debut on "Cops" before long. Perhaps this is just a rehearsal. Note the yellow citation in her hand....for what, I haven't a clue...The poor cop must be a rookie because he tried to reason with her for at least twenty minutes instead of telling her to shut her screaming trap before slapping her with more citations for disturbing the peace and harrassing an officer of the law. I'm not sure if that last one is an actual charge, but any public safety officer having to face that foul beast under any circumstance deserves a medal of valor in my opinion. Give that officer a promotion!
gainesville city police,
white trash
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Vladimir Tepes Chandler

Here he is, folks. The new kitty in my life... He is four months old, and he can go from sweet cuddle-bunny to super-evil-demonic-weasel in 5 seconds. He has become Musashi's little brother and Akira and Achilles' sidekick in no time at all. I will post more photos of the rest of the tribe in a day or two.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Bagheera AKA Akira on DeviantArt!

It's not much so far, but I have started my own gallery at DeviantArt. Hopefully this week I'll get a new camera and I'll be able to post some more photography and images of my other artwork on DA. In the meantime, please browse my favorites at DA to see the work of some other exceptional artists whose work I love.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Why am I so adament about promoting the American Pit Bull Terrier breed, especially more recently? Because I'm SICK TO DEATH OF JUDGMENTAL & IGNORANT ATTITUDES directed toward this noble breed! I have been the victim of prejudice (again) lately because I am the proud mother of two wonderful pit bulls. I am co-directing a dog show to benefit our local Humane Society, and one of our sponsors asked me what kind of dogs I had. Always unsure of what kind of reaction I will receive but APATHETIC REGARDLESS, I replied "two rescued pit bulls." There was a moment of silence, then the usual thoughtless, ignorant reply from a true representative of the portion of the human race who lives like lemmings and cannot form an independent thought even if a razor-sharp machete was held against the jugular vein......."Oh. Aren't you scared of them?" Oh yes, you feather-headed dipshit, I live in daily mortal terror that my dogs will "turn on me" and rip my heart out of my chest! I'm so glad you made me see the reality of my dire situation! Jesus! I truly despise oxygen-thieves like this particular person!
I hope the videos I have posted on this subject are educational & informative. HUMAN BEINGS are the cause of VIOLENCE and HATRED - NOT ANIMALS!
Pit Bulls Love People!
Another great video about the American Pit Bull Terrier breed. Pit Bulls are people friendly "gladiator" breeds who are highly trainable, loyal & affectionate. Pit Bulls are probably also the most determined & focused breed of all canines; this is why search & rescue organizations, public safety departments and even the military are using pits in various aspects. I truly appreciate the fact that "Big Dane" from Pimp My Ride brings up the topic of back-yard breeders. These individuals need to be shut down because they are ruining the true bloodlines & superior traits of the breed! Pit bulls are very special dogs with an unfair reputation... I hope to educate more people about these wonderful dogs as much as possible! Enjoy this video - especially the weight-pulling dog. Wow!!!
Sunday, September 16, 2007
HyenaKlown is an artist on DeviantArt who created the above video titled "The Pit Bull Problem". The commentary & statistics provided in this video completely debunk ALL THE MYTHS & BULLSHIT (because it is!) attributed to one of the finest dog breeds in the world. I proudly display photos of my pit bull "kids" at work & take them everywhere they are allowed. When people shun me because of Akira & Achilles or make assinine comments like "aren't you afraid they'll turn on you?", I am immediately convinced that these people are ignorant & EXTREMELY SMALL-MINDED. When certain people tell me they are afraid to allow their children to pet my dogs, I cannot help but mark these idiots down on my list of losers to avoid.
Tragically, in some cases, ENTIRE CITIES have succumbed to this close-minded idiocy. I will NEVER visit KANSAS CITY or DENVER because of their hysteria-and-ignorance-induced breed bans. There are other cities & towns in the U.S. & Canada with the same restrictions, and I will never spend a damn dime on their local economy. How could an entire local governmental body & its citizens be so stupid?
animal cruelty,
breed banning,
kansas city,
pit bulls
Nine Inch Nails Tribute
Typically I'm not impressed with "tribute" videos unless they are very well done. This Nine Inch Nail fan did a great job with this tribute vid, capturing Trent Reznor's raw performance and passion for his art to the tune of "Right Where It Belongs". Excellent job!
The Day the Whole World Went Away...
This is from NIN's Sydney performance yesterday. I love the fact that Trent wants his fans to enjoy his music without being ripped off by the record labels. He's absolutely right...paying anywhere between $18 - $26 for a CD is ridiculous. Of course, I think NIN is totally worth it, but there are kids and young people all over the world who cannot afford these prices. Thanks for taking care of your fans, Trent!
Nine Inch Nails,
record labels,
Trent Reznor
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Dragoncreeper on DeviantArt!

Dragoncreeper says she wants to go into the criminal science/forensics profession, but she also has true photographic talent! DC has posted some of her work on DeviantArt...please check it out! You are extremely talented, my friend. Please keep up the good work! (And post some raccoon photos, lol...)
The image above is titled "Shoes"...kinky!
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Kevin Everett Update
Butterfly posted the latest update on Kevin Everett at Empire of Dirt. Thanks for the news, Butterfly! It looks like Everett is already beating the odds and defying the doctors' prognosis. Keep fighting, Kevin! We are all praying for you and your family!
buffalo bills,
kevin everett,
spinal chord injury
Monday, September 10, 2007
You are in our hearts, Kevin Everett!

During the Denver Broncos - Buffalo Bills game yesterday, Bills' Tight End Kevin Everett sustained a "catastrophic" and life-threatening spinal cord injury. The injury occurred during the second-half kickoff, when Everett tackled the Broncos' Wide Receiver Domenik Hixon high on the left shoulder with the left side of his helmet. Everett tried to stand, but fell immediately and was completely immobilized from the time he hit the ground until he was transported to the local hospital for emergency surgery. Surgeons have quoted Everett's recovery as "bleak" and "dismal", and their prognosis states that he will probably never walk again. Please keep this talented 25-year-old in your thoughts and prayers, whatever faith you may be. He has a long struggle ahead of him, but miracles can truly change people's lives as we are all aware.
Best wishes to you, Kevin Everett! May you have a productive and quick recovery that leaves all neurologists scratching their heads!!!
Sunday, September 9, 2007
The new man in my life......

He's sleek & angular...has almond-shaped green eyes...and he is black & white. His name is Vladimir Tepes Chandler, and he's my new four-month-old kitteh. After the death of my beloved Winston, I was certainly not ready for another cat in the house. However, my big black teddy-bear kitty Miyamoto Musashi has been so lonely since the passing of his brother. For days on end (and nights, too), Musashi would pad through the house crying out in pitiful mews and howls looking for Winston. Mushi has always been a rather quiet cat until Winston's absence from our home. It dawned on me one day when I watched my pit bulls, Akira & Achilles, lying on the bed together grooming each other. Mushi needed another feline companion.
Last Sunday Super D & I visited the Humane Society of Hall County to see the available kittens. I was nervous and skeptical that our first trip would yield a candidate, however, I went into the cat ward with an open mind. I had my heart set on a little female - possibly a calico. The entire cat ward was full of kittens & a handful of adult cats. So many to choose from! So many homeless cats & kittens.....
Super D stopped at a particular cage with a skinny black & white kitten with a blue collar. A boy. No, I wanted a girl. I kept looking, finding a rather boisterous solid gray girl who didn't particularly like being held. I then scooped up a young pretty calico girl, but she seemed so timid. We needed a bold & brave kitty who could quickly get used to two big dogs in the house. Super D kept petting the little black & white boy through the cage while I made my rounds. I was convinced that none of the kittens available were right for our household...but I was also still checking out the females....
Finally, I went to the cage where the little black & white guy was putting on his best performance - the performance of a lifetime. He was headbutting the cage bars, crying out in the cutest little voice EVER, & reaching his long, skinny arm through the cage to grab us. It was as if he was saying, "I'm the one! I want you to take me home!!!" I opened the cage & picked him up........and I was instantly in love. The kitten practically wrapped his arms around my neck & head-butted my chin, purring with his little outboard motor. Super D gave me a questioning look. "He's a boy, you know." I smiled. "I know. I don't care. He's the one."
The moment Vladimir set foot (or paw) into our house, he took charge. He courageously took on the two pits when they sniffed him curiously, his sharp little daggers poised to defend himself. He also never backed down to Musashi's warning growls and hisses. Vlad quickly became the alpha animal within hours of arriving in his new home.
Vladimir is a very fitting name, for he has sharp little claws that will impale your skin (or a pit bull's jowls). He is brave and defensive. He reminds me so much of my Winston...perhaps that is why he spoke to my soul so much that day in the shelter. Vlad is also extremely affectionate and loving, and his favorite toy is the feather duster. He now curls up next to those two big dogs on the bed, and he has brought out the kitten in Musashi.
My bloody camera is on the blink or I would post a pic of the little guy here. I will soon, for I want everyone to see the new man in my life...
Humane Society,
pit bulls,
shelter animals
Friday, September 7, 2007
Very Creepy......................

Above are two photoshop images created by our own Little_Eiffel. She posted these on one of our NIN fansites, The Creepshow, and I asked her if I could post them here. L_E has quite a way with PS!!!
Nine Inch Nails,
Trent Reznor
Thursday, September 6, 2007
"Rise and Shine"

Above is a digital creation from one of my favorite CG artists, Ukitakumuki. Please check out his gallery here. I am a huge fan of his bleak, futuristic landscapes and dark, faceless militant characters. Perhaps he could illustrate for the supposedly immenent Year Zero series...
digital art,
modern art,
year zero
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Great Modern Artists

This is "KOF Lien" by Artgerm, whose work can be seen at DeviantArt. Very intense use of Photoshop, etc. Check it out!
graphic art,
modern art,
Sunday, September 2, 2007
Another PSA From Bagheera...

Just so there is no confusion here, I must make a very strong clarification for anyone who may have thought this blog was limited in its scope of topics as well as anything less than R-rated...
This is a quite modern adult blog that is open to many cultures and points of view - socially, politically and otherwise. Corvidae is neither conservative nor is it liberal, for I truly believe those terms have many meanings and can be used to divide a population, much like the people of the United States. Sex and sexuality is not a taboo subject here, as long as the topics involve consenting adults. I often get quite disgusted with the ultra-judgmental superior moral authority of people who are afraid to admit that humans are indeed highly sexual creatures...If anyone who reads this blog is uncomfortable with my Trent-lust or posting erotic artwork, then don't read it, because it won't go away.
I believe I speak for my contributors here as well, for I have encouraged them to make themselves at home here and post what's important to them as well as other thoughts and opinions they may have.
Since I created this blog, I have personally shied away from politics, for I have a bit of inner turmoil regarding the state of our nation and the current world around us. I have recently had to seriously question what stance I take politically, for I have been truly awakened to elements of greed, barbarism & lack of integrity on all sides of the political spectrum in my country. I am still trying to sort out what kind of Aristotelian political animal I am as the next election unfolds. However, politics is a welcome subject here as long as everyone agrees to disagree...
Religion is what I consider to be the most sensitive subject on Corvidae. Politics are essential to building our countries' economical systems, laws and infrastructures, yet spirituality is the most personal part of a human's soul. How can we judge another human for his/her spiritual beliefs? Sure, someone can swing from Republican to Democrat or from Likud to Labour because of a shift in the political environment, but one's spirituality is almost always constant. Basically what I am asking is that religion be downplayed here because we all have different faiths all over the world, & this blog has readers from various parts of the world.
In summary, I want to see diversity here, but I don't want anyone to pigeon-hole this blog into any set category. Anyone who visits Corvidae will see a wide range of topics, but do not expect it to always be milquetoast, family-oriented, benign, conservative or liberal, or below PG-13 rated.
Thank you and have fun!
P.S. I posted a pic of the most beautiful woman in the world, Monica Bellucci. The ICON of SEX all over the world... Yeah, Mon, you are one of my idols and you know it!
monica bellucci,
NIN - Rock Am See Festival - Germany
From last night's performance. Poor guys...Really, I mean poor fans! If you have never had the priviledge of witnessing a full-bore NIN show complete with perfect sound quality and light show, you have never seen a hard-core music performance. Looks like Aaron was a bit frustrated, also.
aaron north,
head like a hole,
Nine Inch Nails,
Trent Reznor
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