Just so there is no confusion here, I must make a very strong clarification for anyone who may have thought this blog was limited in its scope of topics as well as anything less than R-rated...
This is a quite modern adult blog that is open to many cultures and points of view - socially, politically and otherwise. Corvidae is neither conservative nor is it liberal, for I truly believe those terms have many meanings and can be used to divide a population, much like the people of the United States. Sex and sexuality is not a taboo subject here, as long as the topics involve consenting adults. I often get quite disgusted with the ultra-judgmental superior moral authority of people who are afraid to admit that humans are indeed highly sexual creatures...If anyone who reads this blog is uncomfortable with my Trent-lust or posting erotic artwork, then don't read it, because it won't go away.
I believe I speak for my contributors here as well, for I have encouraged them to make themselves at home here and post what's important to them as well as other thoughts and opinions they may have.
Since I created this blog, I have personally shied away from politics, for I have a bit of inner turmoil regarding the state of our nation and the current world around us. I have recently had to seriously question what stance I take politically, for I have been truly awakened to elements of greed, barbarism & lack of integrity on all sides of the political spectrum in my country. I am still trying to sort out what kind of Aristotelian political animal I am as the next election unfolds. However, politics is a welcome subject here as long as everyone agrees to disagree...
Religion is what I consider to be the most sensitive subject on Corvidae. Politics are essential to building our countries' economical systems, laws and infrastructures, yet spirituality is the most personal part of a human's soul. How can we judge another human for his/her spiritual beliefs? Sure, someone can swing from Republican to Democrat or from Likud to Labour because of a shift in the political environment, but one's spirituality is almost always constant. Basically what I am asking is that religion be downplayed here because we all have different faiths all over the world, & this blog has readers from various parts of the world.
In summary, I want to see diversity here, but I don't want anyone to pigeon-hole this blog into any set category. Anyone who visits Corvidae will see a wide range of topics, but do not expect it to always be milquetoast, family-oriented, benign, conservative or liberal, or below PG-13 rated.
Thank you and have fun!
P.S. I posted a pic of the most beautiful woman in the world, Monica Bellucci. The ICON of SEX all over the world... Yeah, Mon, you are one of my idols and you know it!
I hear you loud and clear Bagheera - Corvidae is your creation and you should set the tone and have the option to control the content. I truly enjoy visiting your cyber-world as I hope you do mine (Two Cab Gab). I plan to be posting on mine more often and just happened to post twice today. Check it out! XOXO
Hai Cricket!!! I just had to get that off my chest because of a recent inquiry... I was hoping you would update soon! *Goes to read Two Cab Gab...*
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