Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Letting me live my life and minding your own damned business

Now that you all know who I am... sorta, you get to hear/read me bitching about shit that pisses me off. Judgmental people are the most ignorant and hypocritical people on the planet. I was recently told that because of my religious beliefs... or lack thereof... that I was wrong and going to hell. Well, since I've already been there once or twice... not too worried about that one. And then I was told that they would pray for my soul... well thanks but no thanks.. my soul belongs to my Bagheera and I'm good with that. I'll believe or not believe what the fuck I want and everyone can get over it. I don't give a shit what you believe as long as you leave me the fuck alone.
Now on to my second point... people nosing into my business... and the business of people very close to me. If you don't actually know me... don't judge me. Also, don't second guess the decisions of the people you consider your friends. It’s insulting and rude. We're educated, intelligent, and most importantly... grown adults. If you're so concerned with what we're doing... talk to all parties involved so you can make an educated decision. Otherwise, mind your own goddamned business. If someone is really worried about who or what myself or anyone else is doing... make an effort to understand.. and don't judge. All we want from our friends and family is your support.
And oh yeah… unless you’ve been there and done that, seen the things I’ve seen and done the things I’ve done… be careful what you say to me. I don’t take kindly to wannabe fuckheads.

Whew..... Now that that's all out.... I must say thank you to A for her kind words. It was really a killer time and everyone loved her. I don’t know what she’s talking about with all the stories about things and places I’ve been and done.. but there were some lies told to be sure ;-)
And yes… rats in a sock is a good way to put things.. I loves my Argenta… That woman put bruises and marks on me in places I don’t remember her getting to… :-S

God help us if we ever live close enough to see each other every day… wow.

Good times....


DrJones2005 said...

Thanks and I love you too baby...

butterfly42080 said...

Don, honey, FUCK THEM. You have to live for you period. There is no way you will please everyone and why should you? NOT your job. There are obviously things they need to work on or they would not be so quick to judge in the first place. You are doing what is best for you and what makes you happy. They can either like it or not. But that is not your concern and you cannot change people. Of course, you can feel sorry for them since they are so close-minded.
You do what is best for YOU. Period. In the end, all you have is you and all you can control is you.
I know Andrea loves you and you have made my seester a happy beeyotch. And I know you love her too. So, fuck everyone else! Know that I support you two with all my heart. I love you guys very much and I only wish the best for both of you!

DrJones2005 said...

Thanks little sis, you're so sweet. We love you too :-D

Bagheera said...

Butterfly......all I can say is that you are a TRUE friend and I love you tremendously. I hope one day we can live closer to each other so we can spend more time together. We have all been victims of judgement....it's time we had true peace & happiness in our lives.

butterfly42080 said...

Didn't Don tell ye??? I am fucking moving in!:P

Andrea, I have loved you like a sis from day one, and I will always support and be here for you!

Don, yer my Big Daddy...and my hero! I love you and support you as much as I do Andrea. Don't forget about the people waiting here for you! :) And I PROMISE to take good care of Andrea while you are away. Just hurry the fuck back, cause we can't last TOO long without you! :P

Bagheera said...

Oops! I was trying to edit my comment up there & accidentally deleted it.

Diskay said...

Reading this, I was actually laughin!
If someone came up to me preaching that kinda bollocks I would have either told them that they was a cunt and they needed to fuck off before I show them what pain is, or I would have got really involved telling them they is soooo right and yesh I have seen the error of my ways etc etc etc, then stopped, told them they are a cunt then told them to fuck off!

You showed great tolerance there D. Tiz a great thing in a man, my Dad has it in bucketloads, I do not, that is what I admire in him and also you...
Never mind what other folk think, the opinions that matter are those of whom you care about, fuck everyone else.
Plus at the end of the day, it's yer job, you did not start the whole thing!
The main thing is you and our A have found each other and are happy, thats all ye needs in life!


Bagheera said...

Okay...now back to my original comment....sort of. All that matters Sarge is that you & I are happy together. Screw the world & all the dipshits in it who are too miserable to allow happiness for others. I love you Sarge and that will never change!

Also...Diskay, you are tops! My thoughts about Butterfly are always pretty clear here but I want YOU to know I value your friendship tremendously! I love your rant up there, you silly sheep fekker!

I'm so lucky to have REAL friends and a REAL man in my life!

Diskay said...

I did not fuck that sheep, I only made a lot of random people I did not know kiss it's little plastic ass! (although i did stick a rose up there, does that count?)

DrJones2005 said...

You all rawk you know. Real friends are awesome and true love is da bomb!!

butterfly42080 said...

LOL, you didn't jus say that... oh, wait, yes ye did. ;P