Wednesday, January 9, 2008

T H E G R E A T B E L O W........

Have I ever mentioned that having bi-polar disorder isn't easy? Sometimes it's BEYOND not easy.....sometimes it is absolutely horrifying. Recently I have gone from the ecstatic high of our beloved Georgia Bulldogs crushing Hawaii in the Sugar Bowl and being surrounded by wonderful friends and family to the lowest of lows....rather quickly.

I remember two years ago on a family vacation to Destin I hit rock bottom in the mood department because I forgot to pack all my medications. I actually sat on the beach alone for four hours contemplating what it would feel like to walk into the ocean...and keep walking...into the great below. Oh yes, The Great Below was my theme song that entire summer. A summer packed with all kinds of mental goodness......

The time for The Great Below has returned with one hell of a darkness that has me in its grip. I feel introverted and so frustrated. The only good thing that will come out of this misery is some damn good writing and artwork. See? I am optimistic after all! /sarcasm/