I dream. I dream I'm floating on the surface of my own life. Watching it unfold. Observing it. I'm the outsider looking in. ....Dexter Morgan
Ice. Falling from the dapple gray sky - a sky that reminds me of a dun Arabian horse. The air is cold and wet...the ground is covered with frozen slush. A white Christmas in Georgia...
Christmas for me is always quite unconventional and strange. December 25th is the estimated birth date of Jesus Christ, but that seems to be where it ends in today's society. Instead of celebrating the 33-year life and teachings of Christ, a majority of the people around me celebrate the American dollar and how far it can go to impress others. Christmas has evolved into a holiday of greed and excess for the most part. That is why I escaped the massive amounts of casseroles and brandishing of diamond bracelets on Christmas Eve for a bit.....I walked away from it to clear my head and see the world stripped bare of ritualistic overeating and posturing.
I visited a park at Lake Lanier - Just my camera and I...haunted and troubled by the fact that the worst drought in Georgia has depleted our beautiful lake of so many feet of water. A lone gray and white heron was my only company until some dipshit in a putrid yellow Exterra drove up with bass rattling every window. Damn, I wish I had had more than a camera to shoot with. Then I remembered it was Christmas Eve and I left my spoiled moment for yet another Bagheera mini-adventure.
I suppose it's safe to say that most people don't relish the idea of curling up in front of the TV on Christmas Eve to watch (with extremely delicious pleasure) a show about a sexy and quite charming serial killer. I donned my new flannel pajamas and piled up on the sofa with my pit bulls and purring kitties to watch the festivities begin. Dexter is a damn good show - brilliant acting and writing that puts any other show on television to shame. And give me dark and alluring Dexter Morgan ANY day over Dr. McDreamy-screamy or whatever the hell women call him. I suppose I really am twisted...
Ahhh....today I will spend time with my closest family and friends - the ones who truly accept me for who I am. The ones I don't have to fake happiness and socially acceptable tripe with. Then I will come home and prepare my mind for yet another day of corporate slavery tomorrow.
Merry Christmas from Bagheera!
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