Leo Isn't he precious???

Charleston Past

DeviantArt is such an excellent way to meet other artists, network and make friends. I have recently met Laurie from Charleston, SC, who is not only a great digital photographer, but also makes beautiful handmade objects. I am going to order a special Laurie spider...aren't they cute? I love handcrafted "creepy" items.
Laurie is also a huge animal lover much like myself. Her puppy Leo is just adorable, isn't he? He has a tan buddy named Daisy Mae who's also a cutie.
I'm glad we ran into each other, Laurie!
P.S. Please check out her gallery HERE.
Wow! Thanks so much! I feel special now :D It's funny because I thought the very same thing meeting you on Deviant. You love creepy stuff and animals. I'm glad we ran into each otehr also :) Thanks to photo of Vlad you posted!
Yay! Another "creepy stuff & animals" friend, lol! You are special & talented. Yes, my Vlad is an attention getter, isn't he? *bats eyelashes*
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